Instead, it lets you be updated with your people. The features and functions that this Black-designed Twitter is no different than what the original Twitter offers you so you are not really missing out on anything. This unique social media package is optimized to perform for every Black individuals’ needs from crowdfunding, networking, to simply being up-to-date with the community. This can actually be a better news source than the prominent media like TV who reports less news about the Black community. You can browse through its ‘ Popular’ tab and see trending Black posts while on the ‘ Recent’ tab, you'll view all the latest posts relevant to your interests. You can also chat with them privately and create a group chat like how the direct message feature works for Twitter. You will also have the ability to like their posts and leave comments on their feed. Follow your friends and other accounts either from your favorite celebrity or athlete. The photos you’ll share can be edited and personalized to your liking. You will be able to post status updates, photos, and videos. It may just be the best Twitter experience so far.In Black Twitter, you can do everything that you usually do in the standard Twitter app. The Twitter iPad app is powerful, great looking and really user friendly. Overall, Twitter for iPad is a huge improvement over the iPhone version, and actually looks better than the web app too. This needs to be learned, but soon becomes second nature, and a really neat way to use Twitter. There are also new gesture controls, such as un-pinching a tweet to reveal user info. Video can be viewed within web pages, allowing you to enjoy it which continuing to browse your Twitter feed. Click a link, and it will open in a panel which you can slide in and out of view as you want. This all happens on a single screen and it looks great. As you use the app, panels slide to reveal information, images, stories and videos. Where Twitter for iPad differs is its presentation.